Grace Ministries International Fellowship - Africa

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What Grace Ministries International Fellowship Has to Offer


Vacancies still exist for the position of Regional Bishops, and National Bishops.
If you are interested, please read the qualifications.
1. Apart from being a born again, ordained minister with a church, you will need to have this other qualifications.
2. Have an ability to orgainse a regional or national; conference as the case may be.
3. Ability to sponsor  the Continental Bishop for initial evaluation and during conferences.
4. Be willing to work to promote the vision of Grace Ministries.
Enquire about your country and how you can serve as the Bishop or in any of the natioanl or continental positions.
Please e-mail The Continental Bishop:
Phone: +27763239399

What Grace Ministries International Fellowship Has To Offer

Church Development


Leadership Training & Training

Church Administration & Support Training

Assistance with Church Growth & Marketing

Ministerial Training in Theological Disciplines and Protocol



Economic Development



Assistance with establishing 501(c) 3 status

Assistance with establishing an Economic Development Division
(such as day care & camp programs, tutoring, food giveaways, etc.)

Business Development Training (teaching members how to start businesses, assisting with certain professional service training, etc.)

Other not-for-profit programs and grants available

Guiding shepherds and sheep toward financial independence via the tithe systems



Pastoral Development



Assistance with pastoral insurance programs

Financial Retirement and Pensions & Secured

Financial Planning Strategies

Pastoral Covering, Relationship and Networking for an advanced ministry

Bishop R.L. McKenzie,
Presiding Bishop
Bishop Mishael Itoro Akpan,
Continental Bishop - Africa

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